Runtime Package Contents




plist file modifications











Add custom file type icons

Remove some bundles to save 1.2MB












Copy other installed folders into MacOS folder inside package

(already done for you in Studio 4.1 and newer)



Mac Runtime Resource Modifications


Add your custom file types to the BNDL, add FREFs and icons for them.

Change OO$$ to your registered creator.



Change string in runtime to match your registered creator.

Change string in runtime to match your custom datafile file type.




 * Studio 4.2 - #1 (OO$$) is now CORE_RES_60 in Localizable.strings file in package's resources folder

 * Studio 4.2 - #4 (OO$D) is now CORE_RES_63 in Localizable.strings file in package's resources folder

More tweaks in Localizable.strings file....

* Studio 4.x - CORE_RES_1 is "Omnis Studio" - change to your app's name

* Studio 4.x - CORE_RES_3 is "Omnis Studio $ $" - change to your app's name, preserve trailing space and $ characters

* Studio 4.x - CORE_RES_10 is "About Omnis Studio... 10" - change to your app's name, preserve trailing spaces and digits

* Studio 4.x - CORE_RES_53 is " Omnis Studio is an application generator ... " - change to your app's name and description

* Studio 4.x - CORE_RES_236 is " Quitting Omnis due to unrecoverable error: //$ " - change to your app's name, preserve formatting

* Studio 4.x - CORE_RES_577 is "Omnis" - change to your app's name, it appears as a settings group in Page Setup dialogs

* Studio 5.1.1 - CORE_RES_25600 is "firstruninstalldest" - change to your app's name, it names the relocated read/write folder in ~/Library/Application Support for Mac App Store compliance, where nothing is allowed to modify the runtime application package.









More on OS X integration



Add a method to Startup_Task named Ò$prefsÓ.  It will be called when a user chooses PreferencesÉ from the Application menu.


In development mode, itÕs a hierarchical menu offering both your app prefs and Omnis prefs.  In runtime mode, itÕs not hierarchical, and only offers your app prefs.



Get Kevin GaleÕs ÒOSXHelpÓ component to take over the Help menu.


Use AppleÕs ÒPackageMakerÓ utility to create an installer package.



Use AppleÕs ÒDisk UtilityÓ app to create a disk image.

     /Applications/Utilities/Disk Utility


Get the shareware ÒautoOpenÓ utility to make your .dmg disk image mount with its window already open.


Use a browser for online FAQ / Help


;  Send the user to a web browser displaying main FAQ page


;  Start out at Main.htm in the TRM_Help folder

Calculate htmlDocPath as con('TRM_Help',sys(9),'Main.htm')

;  Assume TRM_Help folder is beside the OS X package or the Win32 library

Do tPrefs.$getLibBasedFilePath(htmlDocPath) Returns htmlDocPath


If tIsMac9|tIsMacX

     Calculate script as con('Tell application "Finder"',chr(13),

                                                    'Open "',htmlDocPath,'"',chr(13),'End tell')

     Calculate #F as $runapplescript(script,result)


Else If tIsWin32

     ;  Register DLL ("shell32.dll","ShellExecuteA","JJCCCCJ") Returns result

     X250825050 ("shell32.dll","ShellExecuteA","JJCCCCJ") Returns result

     ;  Call DLL ("shell32.dll","ShellExecuteA",0,"open",htmlDocPath," "," ",1) Returns result

     X250825051 ("shell32.dll","ShellExecuteA",0,"open",htmlDocPath," "," ",1) Returns result


End If


Making a .dmg file


To keep things working with multiple users, the application bundle must have all or most of the files it contains set to read/write permission for admin & other users.  If you Stuff the app bundle, it loses these permissions when Unstuffed.  So the app bundle should always be distributed in a .dmg disk image file.


First create a folder with all the distribution files in it.

Add the "background.pict" background image to the new folder.

Run Disk Utility. Create a disk image from that folder.

 - choose read/write Image Format, no encryption


Now double-click and mount the new image


- Get Info on the disk icon

  - paste an icon of a disk with your logo over the plain disk icon.


- open the disk window in icon view, no sidebar, open View Options.

  - choose Ôfor this window onlyÕ

  - set the icon size to 68 pixels (or your choice)

  - turn off snap-to-grid

  - select the "background.pict" on that disk as the background picture

  - size the window to fit the image and position the icons

While the image is mounted, run Terminal

 and enter this command to make the image file invisible:


 /Developer/Tools/SetFile -a V "/Volumes/Your Disk/background.pict"


 (the icon won't disappear immediately, but after unmount/remount)


Then unmount/remount the disk to make sure things are what you want.

 - set the window position where you want it to be opened on the desktop

 - make sure the window size still fits the picture, and no sidebar


Then unmount the disk without closing its window.


Then run DiskCopy and use the 'Convert...' command to change the disk image to compressed.


The resulting disk image has the background picture and is read-only, and it should mount with the window open.


But we found that the .dmg doesn't always open up its window when mounted.

This ÒautoOpenÓ utility solves that problem:

Useful Windows utilities


Get ÒIconWorkshopÓ from Axialis.  It will open Mac .icns files, and save them as .ico files, preserving transparency.



Get ÒResource TunerÓ from Heaventools Software.  It will let you replace the Omnis icons with your own .ico files, as well as modify string and version resources as needed.









Windows Runtime Resource Modifications


Mods for Win32 Omnis Studio.exe v3.3.3 runtime

      (* renamed to TheRecipeMgr.exe)

* TheRecipeManager.exe WILL NOT WORK - too long a name...

  TheRecipeMgr.exe     will work



Version 1 resource - various name, version & copyright changes


Application icons

ICON 1 <- omnis16.ico  (16 x 16 -- 8 bits)

ICON 2 <- omnis32.ico  (32 x 32 -- 8 bits)

ICON 3 <- omnis48.ico  (48 x 48 -- 8 bits)

Datafile icons

ICON 6 <- TRMD32.ico   (32 x 32 -- 4 bits)

ICON 7 <- TRMD16.ico   (16 x 16 -- 4 bits)





Mods for Win32 omnisdat.dll    (* must be renamed to have first 5 chars match .exe name)


Application icons

ICON 1 <- omnis16.ico  (16 x 16 -- 8 bits)

ICON 2 <- omnis32.ico  (32 x 32 -- 8 bits)

ICON 3 <- omnis48.ico  (48 x 48 -- 8 bits)



StringTable 1

 1 - title

 2 - version  (* best leave this alone, can cause serialization rejection *)

 3 - title

 10 – about


StringTable 4

 56 - executable name


StringTable 70

 1115 - dos version warning

 1118 - windows version warning


* omnisdat.dll must be renamed to MyAppdat.dll

   ( i.e. con(mid(appName,1,5),'dat.dll' )


Besides replacing omnisdat.dll with the modified MyAppdat.dll,

and replacing omnis.exe with MyApplesauce.exe,

you also need to replace omnispic.df1 with a modified copy that

includes a tweaked application icon used in the Help menu.


 -> MinimizeIcons2 page, icon ID 2033












Converting Mac Icons (.icns) to Windows .ico files


1 - Install Axialis IconWorkshop on Windows.

2 - Copy your Mac .icns files to Windows.

3 - Run the Axialis IconWorkshop, open an icns file.

4 - You should be looking at the 128x128 view, type control-A to select all.

5 - Copy to clipboard

6 - File menu, New project from clipboard.

7 - In the dialog that comes up, uncheck everything

       except for one size/depth, e.g. 48x48 256 color

8 - OK that, you get a new project with one icon size.

9 - Save that as e.g. Òapp48x48.icoÓ

10 - Repeat steps 6-9 for the 32 and 16 pixel sizes


These .ico files will retain your transparency.






I wrote this document, and youÕre welcome to use it, if you also appreciate the fact that it came to be written because Gavin Foster and Nick Harris organized the Euromnis conference and invited me to present the topic, and recognize that Raining Data and others who sponsored the conference also had a hand in making it happen.  Our thanks are due to all of them.


Kelly Burgess

February 2005